Archives: FAQ

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  • What is a Beneficiary IRA/ Beneficiary Roth IRA?

    by Peter J. Creedon

    When someone (other than a spouse) is the beneficiary of a deceased person’s IRA, they need to open aBeneficiary IRA. Spouses can receive money from their deceased spouse in a regular IRA in their own name. Funds in a deceased person’s Traditional IRA would need to move to a regular Beneficiary IRA. Funds in a…

  • Do you offer Retirement Planning advisory services?

    by Peter J. Creedon

    Yes. We offer periodic complementary educational sessions in general advice on personal finance and investing. Topics may include but not limited to: retirement planning strategies, general financial planning, educational funding, estate planning, retirement business planning, planning changes in marital status, and various other current economic or investment topics.

  • Are there Discounted Fees?

    by Peter J. Creedon

    Yes. The advisory services to be provided and there specific fees will be detailed in the client’s engagement agreement. Published fees may be discounted at the discretion of our firm, but they are not negotiable. Our firm strives to offer fees that are fair and reasonable in light of the experience of our firm and…

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