Category: financial planning



    Utilizing Snapchat for Social Conscious Investing

    by Peter J. Creedon

    Did you know Crystal Brook Advisors launched a Snapchat last week? @CrystalbrookNYC Snapchat is exploding in popularity among all types of people from all over the world. Young professionals, entrepreneurs, college students, even parents are snapping pictures and adding geotags to share pictures and videos in real-time. It seems like nowadays everyone has a Snapchat…


    Top 11 Things You Need To-Do Before Year End

    by Peter J. Creedon

    As 2016 starts to winds down you need to do a few important things if you are a freelancer, small business owner, or earn 1099 income. CPA Tax review: The first thing I recommend is schedule an appointment with your Tax Advisor, (Certified Public Accountant (CPA), or Enrolled Agent (EA), and meet by early December…


    Why You Should Be Careful Making Early Withdrawals from Your Retirement Fund

    by Peter J. Creedon

    One of the questions my clients most frequently ask is “is there any way I can make early withdrawals from my retirement fund without being taxed?” The short answer is no. There may be exceptions for after-tax contributions and your company may permit loans against the funds, but put simply, if money goes into a…

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