Tag: financial independence



    Financial Relief Resources Available During Coronavirus Healthcare Crisis

    by Peter J. Creedon

    Americans are now receiving financial relief in the form of Economic Impact Payments from the U.S. Department of the Treasury which can be deposited directly into your bank or credit union accounts. Complete this form at: http://https/www.irs.gov/coronavirus/get-my-payment . By completing this form you will receive financial money relief. However, If your payment has not yet been…


    Why your personal investment can be worth the money

    by Peter J. Creedon

    Personal investments are the little things that we do each day for ourselves. They are the decisions that make us who we are and the majority of time, the things we pay the least attention. These decisions most likely reflect how we see ourselves and in turn be the decisions that shape our future. People…


    Why You Should Be Careful Making Early Withdrawals from Your Retirement Fund

    by Peter J. Creedon

    One of the questions my clients most frequently ask is “is there any way I can make early withdrawals from my retirement fund without being taxed?” The short answer is no. There may be exceptions for after-tax contributions and your company may permit loans against the funds, but put simply, if money goes into a…

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